Overcoming Dental Anxiety

DESTACADA miedo al dentista ING

In Advanced Dentistry Clinic Asensio, we meet a lot of patients who have dental anxiety. The majority of them only come to see a dentist when it is inevitable, i.e. an emergency, pain, infections, etc. because they try to postpone the visit as much as possible. In this way a patient never loses his fears.

We want to help those patients who for some reason are afraid of visiting a dentist. In order to do that, we use innovative techniques such as conscious sedation and nitrous oxide.

During the conscious sedation a patient relaxes and loses all his fears which in another case would remain. This technique reduces the nervous tension and anxiety and also eliminates unwanted movements. Thanks to the fast metabolism a patient does not have any side effects.

However, there is another very safe method used for both adults and children who suffer dental anxiety. This technique is called nitrous oxide or the laughing gas, a method which is widely used in the United States. When used under the supervision, the gas reduces discomfort, calms down a patient and makes the collaboration easier for both patient and doctor by keeping the main protective reflexes unchanged.

It must be mentioned that we always work for our dear patients and we are unconditionally committed to them. Remember that the first visit in Advanced Dentistry Clinic Asensio does not cost you anything! It includes a 3D Scan, Digital Radiography, exact diagnosis and a personalized plan of treatment.


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