
Sometimes the problem of a bad bite is not in the teeth but in the bones that sustain them. These are the bones: the maxillary in the upper part and the jaw in the lower part.

If the size and position of these bones does not have an adequate relationship, the teeth will not fit well together.

While there is growth, action can be taken on these bones through orthopaedic treatments.

Orthopaedic treatments have limits and can only be applied during a certain period of time. That is why it is important to detect them early.

 Let us mention the different options that there are:

Facial Mask: It has some pads for the forehead and chin. They exert a force over the upper Maxillary, which foments its development forward. It is often used along with the rapid expansion of the palate device. It is for home use. Contrary to what it might seem, it is a device that is tolerated well by patients.

Chin-rest: At times it was used a lot to reduce the growth of the jaw.

Currently, it is not used so much because of its limited efficacy. It is placed in very specific cases.

Rapid palate expansion device: The expansion of the palate can be achieved with different devices, whether they are fixed or removable. Depending on the type of device, the widening will affect the teeth or the bone more. The rapid expansion of the palate device makes the bone grow in a very effective way. It is a highly effective device and is quite comfortable for the patient.

Extra-Oral traction: This has been used a great deal throughout the history of orthodontics. The objective of its action is to “slow down” the forward development of the upper maxillary. It is very suitable for those mouths whose upper teeth are prominent. It is normally used at home.
